
last updated: 06-12-2017

Bellow there is a list of all the disciplines included in the curriculum of this specialization. The complete version is available for download at the bottom of the page.

1st YEAR – 1st Semester

Compulsory subjects
Theories of European Integration, Disciplină de Cunoaştere Avansată, 7 credite
Security Studies, Disciplină de Cunoaştere Avansată, 7 credite
Demographic Vulnerabilities in Contemporary Europe, Disciplină de Aprofundare, 5 credite
Research Methods in European Studies and International Relations, Disciplină de Aprofundare, 5 credite

Optional subjects
EU Foreign and Security Policy/International Management, Disciplină de Aprofundare, 6 credite

1st YEAR – 2nd Semester

Discipline  obligatorii
International and European Comparative Politics, Disciplină de Cunoaştere Avansată, 7 credite
European Community Language, Disciplină de Domeniu, 7 credite
The European Union as an International Actor, Disciplină de Cunoaştere Avansată, 5 credite
Practice I, Disciplină de Aprofundare, 4 credite

Discipline opţionale
Mimetic Perspectives on Conflict Resolution/European Federalism, Disciplină de Aprofundare, 7 credite

2nd YEAR – 1st Semester

Compulsory subjects
European Unification Process, Disciplină de Cunoaştere Avansată, 8 credite
Communication and Image in International Relations, Disciplină de Aprofundare, 8 credite
Intercultural Communication and European Identity, Disciplină de Aprofundare, 7 credite

Optional subjects
Political Leadership and Decisional Culture/Quality, Sustainability and Social Responsibility, Disciplină de Aprofundare, 7 credite

2nd YEAR – 2nd Semester

Compulsory subjects
European Social Law, Disciplină de Cunoaştere Avansată, 7 credite
European Neighbourhood Policy, Disciplină de Aprofundare, 7 credite
Individual Research for the Dissertation, Disciplină de Aprofundare, 10 credite

Optional subjects
Linguistic Diversity and European Identity/Social Network and the Democratic Deficit on EU, Disciplină de Aprofundare, 6 credite


Curriculum valid since the 2017/2018 academic year (pdf)
Curriculum from the 2012/2013 academic year, until the next update (pdf)
Curriculum from the 2011/2012 academic year, until the next update (pdf)