Other publications

last updated: 17-04-2013

FChirodea_Academia_de_Drept_din_OradeaAuthor: Florentina CHIRODEA
Title: Higher Education at the Western Border of Great Romania: Oradea Academy of Law (1919 – 1934)
Publishing house: Editura Universităţii din Oradea
Year of publication: 2011
ISBN: 978-606-10-0665-6
Short presentation: The study aims to research academic life and analyze issues of two categories of actors, that define activity of Oradea Academy of Law between 1919 and 1934, professors and students. The approach has required the use of specific methods for every subject of History, based on the documentary material and bibliography was taked in consideration  predominant use of the diachronic analysis of interwar academic life and development of the teachers body from Oradea. Similarly, other methods of Historical research, document analysis and case study had formed our attention for describing and explaining events. Also, comparative analysis allowed us a deeper perception of the elements  which prompted a certain sense to the historical evolution of high education of Oradea.

CDogot_Le_federalismeAuthor: Cristina-Maria DOGOT
Title: Le fédéralisme, fondement intellectuel de la construction européenne: Le fédéralisme personnaliste de Denis de Rougemont
Publishing house: Editions universitaires européennes
Year of publication: 2011
ISBN: 978-613-1-55264-9
Short presentation: Federalism is one of the earliest political questions of European space. Strongly related initially of the subsidiarity principle, in contemporary period it is in a powerfully relation with another concept, that of region and regionalisation. Among the numerous attempts to find a method to realize federal Europe, one distinguishes itself clearly of all the others: personnalist or integral federalism. Developed during the two first decades after the Second World War, this kind of federalism is in fact a philosophy of human life understood in all her simplicity, a dialogue-philosophy, an action-philosophy, and finally a help-philosophy, a life school.
Link: https://www.editions-ue.com/catalog/details/store/ru/book/978-613-1-55264-9/le-fédéralisme,-fondement-intellectuel-de-la-construction-européenne?search=dogot

IHorga_Teoria_Relatiilor_InternationaleAuthor: Ioan HORGA
Title: Theory of International Relations
Publishing house: Editura Universităţii din Oradea
Year of publication: 2006
ISBN: 973-613-988-3
Short presentation: The pook “Theory of International Relations” is divided in two parts. The first part, Introduction in the Theory of International Relations, includes “The epistemological analysis of International Relations” and “Currents and schools of tough in the Theory of International Relations”, while the second part, Theory of International Relations, includes „International Society“, „International Actors“ and „International Action“. The choice for this structure the paper was made from the will to offer to the students who study International Relations a precise and systematic material, but still open to further details, because we operate with information that are soon bypassed by new information. In consequence, this course focuses on the essential properties and the fundamental factors of evolution of international relations. The reader will be able to deepen his knowledge in this field of study consulting the biographical notes and the internet sites where different international actors are found .

DPantea_Imaginea_AnglieiAuthor: Dana PANTEA
Title: The Image of England and the English in the Romanian Culture in the 19th Century
Publishing house: Editura Universităţii din Oradea
ISBN: 978-606-10-0213-9
Year of publication: 2011
Short presentation: From the perspective of the new historiography elaborated by the French historians in the second half of the 20th century, Dana Pantea’s book confronts two civilizations, two cultural spaces situated at a considerable geographical distance: the English civilization and the Romanian one during the 19th century. In an epoch in which the Romanian society was still archaic, when the economy was mainly an agrarian one, the Romanian elite was searching for models to follow and found them even in the far away England. The result of their pursuit can be found in diplomatic and private letters, articles published newspapers and magazines, travel literature which depicts the image both of the Englishman with his positive and negative features and of the England with its institutions, parliament and monarchy that would become a model to be followed by the Romanians at the end of the 19th century.

IPolgar_TrianonAuthor: István POLGÁR
Title: The Treaty of Trianon – the impact over the Romanian and Hungarian historiography (1920-2010)
Publishing house: Editura Universităţii din Oradea
ISBN: 978-606-10-0571-0
Year of publication: 2011
Short presentation: The content of this book presents a picture, a radiography of the impact generated by the Treaty of Trianon over the Hungarian and Romanian historiography, between 1920 and 2010.

AStoica-Relatii_Diplomatice_RPAuthor: Alina STOICA
Title: Relaţii diplomatice româno-portugheze (1919-1933). Martinho de Brederode – ambasador la Bucureşti
Publishing house: Editura Universităţii din Oradea
Year of publication: 2011
ISBN: 978-606-10-0384-6
Short presentation: Cartea este rezultatul cercetărilor întreprinse pe parcursul stagiului nostru de doctorat. Aria cercetării s-a extins pe de o parte asupra relaţiilor bilaterale româno-portugheze în contextul relaţiilor internaţionale şi al politicii generale portugheze faţă de Balcani, iar pe de altă parte am insistat asupra raporturilor directe dintre România şi Portugalia având drept reper în demersul nostru corespondenţa şi activitatea diplomatică a Ministrului portughez la Bucureşti, Martinho de Brederode. Analiza întreprinsă prin compararea datelor şi informaţiilor obţinute din surse adesea diferite, edite sau inedite, ne-au ajutat să conturăm şi să evidenţiem dificultăţile promovării intereselor româneşti în contextul internaţional al epocii, dar şi maniera în care diplomaţii de la Bucureşti au înţeles sau au vrut să înţeleagă realitatea de facto.

LSoproni_IHorga_Media_andEditors: Luminiţa ŞOPRONI
Title: Medias and European Diversity
Publishing house: Editions Bruylant
Year of publication: 2012
ISBN: 280-273-090-8, 978-280-273-090-3
Short presentation: Why it is important to talk about the role played by mass media in the European Union? For reasons related to the power held by the means of information/mass media in the contemporary society, which rise or break down people, institutions and behaviors. This power of communication, of mass media is resulting from the key-position it holds in today’s most coveted product management: information.

LSoproni_Tehnici_de_Expresie_si_ComunicareAuthor: Luminiţa ŞOPRONI
Title: Tehnici de expresie şi comunicare internaţională (International communication and negotiation techniques)
Publishing house: Editura Universităţii din Oradea
Year of publication: 2007
ISBN: 978-973-759-399-3
Short presentation: In the age of markets and electronic commerce, the negociator’s art and science become essential. The field of commercial communication and negotiation is huge and evolves arround the customer culture and preferences.

LSoproni_Tehnici_de_Comunicare_si_negociereAuthor: Luminiţa ŞOPRONI
Title: Tehnici de comunicare şi negociere. Caiet de seminar (Communication and negotiation techniques. Seminar guide)
Publishing house: Editura Universităţii din Oradea
Year of publication: 2007
ISBN: 978-973-759-296-5
Short presentation: The seminar guide answers the challenges of the actual environment, where the communication and negotiation are essential for the survival and success. The guide is a complement of the book „International communication and negotiation techniques”, illustrating its theoretical models by practical activities.

LSoproni_Relatii_Economice_InternationaleAuthor: Luminiţa ŞOPRONI
Title: Relaţii economice internaţionale (International Economic Relations)
Publishing house: Editura Universităţii din Oradea
Year of publication: 2004
ISBN: 973-613-505-5
Short presentation: The book addresses to students and all the persons involved in the field of international business, by introducing them to the theory and practice of world economy. The study of this book will allow them to get knowledge about trade and payment techiques, negotiation, contracting, promotion and international transportation. The analyse of the transnational firms, the driving forces of globalization, precedes and prepares the approach of the world economy from the perspective of regionalization and globalization.

LSoproni_Comunicare_si_negociere_in_afaceri_suport_cursAuthor: Luminiţa ŞOPRONI
Title: Comunicare şi negociere în afaceri (Business communication and negotiation)
Publishing house: Editura Universităţii din Oradea
Year of publication: 2002
ISBN: 973-613-103-3
Short presentation: The book addresses to students, businessmen and all the people interested in the field of communication and negotiation, providing information and tools for their formation and specialisation and offering them support to maximize their results while business relationships are becoming more and more important.

LSoproni_Comunicare_si_negociere_in_afaceriAuthor: Luminiţa ŞOPRONI
Title: Comunicare şi negociere în afaceri. Caiet de seminar (Business communication and negotiation. Seminar guide)
Publishing house: Editura Universităţii din Oradea
Year of publication: 2002
ISBN: 973-613-198-X
Short presentation: The book contains examples, case studies and exercises in the field of business communication which can be capitalized by the students during the seminars. It involves a mix between theory and practice, trying to adapt the theoretical concepts to business reality.