Research projects

last updated: 11-11-2014

Types of projects:

  1. Leonardo da Vinci Projects
  2. Cross-border cooperation projects:

  3. Jean Monnet Projects
  4. Projects funded by the Bihor County or the Municipality of Oradea

Leonardo da Vinci Projects

Title of the project: Developing aptitudes in the field of public administration
Project type: Leonardo da Vinci – Mobility
Project identification number: RO/2006/PL97133/MTD
Project objectives: Organizing mobilities for 14 graduate students to the University of Debrecen, Hungary, towards developing aptitudes and knowledge in the field.
Implementation period: 9.01.2007 – 5.05.2007
Project Manager: Constantin – Vasile ŢOCA
Project Budget: 31640 EURO
Main activities:

  • Mobility for 14 graduate students to the University of Debrecen

Title of the project: Gaining and developing aptitudes and skills by higher learning officials that are active in process of European integration
Project type: Leonardo da Vinci – Mobility
Project identification number: RO/2004/PL93203/TD
Project objectives: Organizing mobilities for 12 graduate students to the University of Reims, France, towards developing aptitudes and knowledge in the field.
Implementation period: 2005-2006
Project Manager: Prof. univ. dr. Ioan Horga
Project Budget: 26880 Euro
Main activities:

  • Mobility for 14 graduate students to the University of Reims, France.

Title: Improving the skills of the Romanian students as future EU civil servants
Project type: Leonardo da Vinci – Mobility
Project identification number: RO/ 2006 / PL 97189/S
Project goal: Through the partnership with University of Alicante (Spain) and University of Brescia (Italy), the project intended to develop the students skills needed to be able to access the national and European labor market. The main objectives to be reached:

  • management of European funds and projects
  • using the new technologies of information and communication
  • getting knowledge about the organization, functioning and communication of the European public structures
  • development of the capacity to work within the field of international relations
  • improving the team work skills.

Implementation period: 30.11.2006 – 4.06.2007
Project manager: conf.univ.dr. Luminiţa Şoproni
Project budget: 28.200 Euro
Main activities:

  • Practical activities carried out by 10 students in International Relations and European Studies, during 13 weeks at 2 European universities: University of Alicante (Spain) and University of Brescia (Italy)
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Cross-border cooperation projects – Phare CBC


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Cross-border cooperation projects - HURO

Project title: Development of Focused IT and Language Skills in the Labour-market Region of Debrecen-Oradea
Project type: Hungary-Romania Cross Border Co-operation Programme 2007 – 2013
Project identification number: HURO 1001/278/2.3.2
Project objective: The goal of the project is to reduce unemployment typical in the border area, accomplished by the Project Partners through IT and language trainings. Those individuals qualify to the IT trainings who have advanced understanding of a language, but have no competences in informatics. In the course of trainings one could acquire useful knowledge of informatics from the basics and also the professional terminology. The speech oriented, small group language trainings in English, French and German are accessible to those individuals, who are studying or already have a certificate in the IT area and have an intermediate knowledge of a foreign language but everyday use of the language means a challenge. There are necessities to accomplish the project: refurbishing training room(s) in Debrecen, and acquiring computers in Oradea. Developing curriculum for the IT training is also necessary.
Period of implementation: 01.03.2012 – 28.02.2013
Project team:

  • Manager proiect: Polgar Istvan

Project budget: 200.000 Euro
Main activities:

  • organizing IT, English and French language course for the actors of the labour market from the region of Debrecen-Oradea to increase employment opportunities.

Beneficiary: University of Oradea

Project title: Development of Competence-Based Adult Education E-learning Programme; Launch of a Training for Stimulating SMEs
Project type: Hungary-Romania Cross Border Co-operation Programme 2007 – 2013
Project identification number: HURO 0801/140
Project objective: The Lisbon Treaty established that the main purpose among universities is preparing the students according to the needs of the labor market with the ability to enrich knowledge after graduation. Because of the shrinking number of generations with high school, adult education becomes a task of the universities. In regard to adult education, emphasis is focused on a modular, flexible, short educational system. During the development of the program, will be elaborated and released a module that will include business knowledge, environmental management and knowledge of bio-energy. The application of the module will be possible also through workshops organized within the program. The program ensures the training of 25 Hungarian participants and 25 Romanian participants who will be split into groups of 5 persons at the practical meetings. There might be established, working relationships among the participants that may underlie collaborations. The exchange of information would be useful in the future to all the participants.
Period of implementation: 01.02.2009 – 31.01.2010
Project team:

  • Financial manager: Polgar Istvan

Project budget: 179.000 EURO
Main activities:

  • Development of Competence-Based Adult Education E-learning Programme; Launch of a Training for Stimulating SMEs

Beneficiary: The Intitute for Euroregional Studies

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Cross-border cooperation projects - SEE

Project title: Boosting innovation through capacity building and networking of science centres in the SEE region
Project type: South East Europe Transnational Programme 2007-2013
Project identification number: SEE/B/0048/1.3/X
Project objective: The SEE Science project is a South East European project aiming at the increase of public awareness on the importance of natural sciences, technology and innovation as key determinants of economic growth. The project specifically aims to wake the interest of young people for science, technology and innovation, by networking Science Centres in the SEE region and increasing the visibility and accessibility of technical and natural sciences. In today’s changing world, the cooperation is becoming even more important in many areas of the economy, therefore the network of Science Centres can promote a culture for innovation tomorrow by targeting young people today!
Science Centres have to become catalysts for innovation. The capacity building of these institutions and efficient knowledge sharing are necessary. Capitalizing on best European practices and introducing new approaches the SEE Science project takes an active part in the reformulation of the role of the Science Centres. To this end a number of Science Festivals are planned throughout the SEE region, as well as a virtual SEE Science Centre will be created
Period of implementation: 01.04.2011 – 30.04.2014
Project team:

  • Project manager: Mircea Brie
  • Communication manager: Polgar Istvan

Project budget: 110.960
Main activities:

  • The project specifically aims to wake the interest of young people for science, technology and innovation, by networking Science Centres in the SEE region and increasing the visibility and accessibility of technical and natural sciences


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Proiecte Jean Monnet


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Projects funded by the Bihor County or the Municipality of Oradea

Title of the project: “ The Frontier Worker – New Perspectives on the Labor Market in Border Regions”
Project identification number: 64 from 02.05.2012
Tipul proiectului: Contract de finanţare nerambursabilă nr. 64 din 02.05.2012
Project objectives: Organizing an internationa conference at the University of Oradea with the title “The Frontier Worker – New Perspectives on the Labor Market in Border Regions”, with participation from professors, researchers, students, public administration practitioners from a local and county level and representatives from businesses from Romania and Hungary.
Implementation period: 1 June – 31 October 2012
Project team:

  • Project Manager: Lector. univ. dr. Adrian – Claudiu Popoviciu
  • Webmaster: Lector univ. dr. Florentina Chirodea
  • International conference coordinator: Asist. univ. drd. Constantin – Vasile Ţoca

Project Budget: 14.450 RON
Main activities:

  • Creating a web page for the project
  • Organizing an international conference

Benefieicary: ARRISE
Link: 0_new_perspectives_on_the_labor_market_in_border_regions

Title of the project: ”Intercultural dialogue on the Eastern front of the EU”
Project identification number: 461
Project type: Contract de finanţare încheiat în temeiul Legii Nr.350 din 2 decembrie 2005 privind regimul finanţărilor nerambursabile din fondurile alocate pentru activităţi nonprofit de interes general, Consiliul Judeţean-Direcţia de dezvoltare şi Implementare Proiecte,
Implementation period: 2010
Project team:

  • Project Manager Conf. univ. dr. Mircea Brie
  • Project Members: Lector univ. dr. Adrian Popoviciu, Prof. univ. dr. Ioan Horga, Asist. univ. drd. Constantin Ţoca

Project Budget: 15.000 RON
Main activities:

  • Publication of the book: „Frontierele spaţiului românesc în context european”

Benefieicary: AISER

Title of the project: “Ethnic and confessional minority and majority in the Romanian space”
Implementation period: 2010
Project identification number: 31
Project type: Contract de finanţare încheiat în temeiul Legii Nr.350 din 2 decembrie 2005 privind regimul finanţărilor nerambursabile din fondurile alocate pentru activităţi nonprofit de interes general, Consiliul Judeţean-Direcţia de dezvoltare şi Implementare Proiecte
Project team:

  • Project Manager: Conf. univ. dr. Mircea Brie
  • Project Members: Prof. univ. dr. Ioan Horga, Asist. univ. drd. Constantin Ţoca

Project Budget: 15.000 RON
Main activities:

  • Publication of the book: „Minoritate şi majoritate etno-confesională în spaţiul românesc”

Benefieicary: AISER

Title of the project: “The Border, a Space of Innovation and Cooperation in the European Union”
Project type: Contract de finanţare nerambursabilă în conformitate cu HCL nr 49438 din 11.04.2012
Project identification number: 49438
Project objectives: The project aims to develop the border as a cooperation and inovation space, an essential component on the European Union level
Implementation period: 1 May – 30 June 2012
Project team:

  • Project Manager: Lector. univ. dr. Adrian – Claudiu Popoviciu
  • Webmaster: Lector univ. dr. Florentina Chirodea
  • International conference coordinator: Asist. univ. drd. Constantin – Vasile Ţoca

Project Budget: 9000 RON
Main activities:

  • Creating a web page for the project
  • Organizing an international conference

Benefieicary: ARRISE

Title of the project: “90 years of Romanian higher learning in Oradea”
Project type: Contract de finanţare nerambursabilă pentru acţiunea de tineret finanţat de Primăria Municipiului Oradea, în conformitate cu HCL nr 390- din 11.05.2009,
Project identification number: 42577
Project objectives: Celebrating 90 years since Oradea Law Academy first offered courses in the Romanian language while also reflecting on the role that the university has in bettering the economic, cultural and social life of the local and regional community.
Atracting high school students towards university studies through organizing a contest among students from the XII grade and a series of scientific events for BA, MA, doctorate students and professors, the results of which will be available through publishing a book
Implementation period: 20 May 2009 – 30 November 2009
Project team:

  • Project Manager: Prof. Univ. Dr. Ioan Horga
  • Scientific Group coordinator: Asist. Univ. Adrian – Claudiu Popoviciu
  • Implementation Group coordinator: Asist. Univ. Constantin – Vasile Ţoca
  • Administrative Group coordinator: Asist. Cercetare Florentina Chirodea

Project Budget: 5000 RON
Main activities:

  • Organizing a contest for XII grade students from local high schools, having the European Union as a main theme.
  • Organizing a round table with participation from university professors and high school professors, high school students, university students and specialists in the field, with the main theme : “Cross border education and mentalities”.

Benefieicary: ISER

Title of the project: “Europe and religious borders – Conference”
Project type: Contract de finanţare nerambursabilă pentru activiatea de Euroregiune finanţat în conformitate cu H.C.L nr.254/27.03.2008
Project identification number: 129272
Project objectives:
Organizing an international conference on Europe and religious borders with guest speakers specialized in these two aspects. The aim of the conference is to underline the interactions between the subject of borders and religion, as a phenomenon that is very much a part of Europe.
Implementation period: Project team: 7.04.2007 – 28.11.2007
Project team:

  • Project Manager: Prep Univ. Drd. Constantin – Vasile Ţoca
  • Scientific coordinator: Prof. Univ. Dr. Istvan Suli – Zakar
  • Coordinator of the technical department: Prof. Univ. Dr. Ioan Horga

Project Budget: 11404
Main activities:

  • Conference with the theme “Europe and religious borders”

Benefieicary: AISER

Title of the project: „Intercultural dialogue and neighborhood policy in the Carpathian region”
Project type: Contract de finanţare nerambursabilă pentru activiatea de învăţământ finanţat în conformitate cu H.C.L nr.254/27.03.2008
Project identification number: 129281
Project objectives:
Culture was and has remained one of the key values of Europe. European enlargment on one side and globalization on the other side have created an interconnected and interdependant Europe, in which cultural diversity and multiculturalism have become apparent. Intercultural dialogue – an interaction based on recognising differences – has become more intense on all level of cummunication, bridging the gap of European identity. In 2008, the „European year for Intercultural Dialogue” has been heavily promoted by the EU. The main ideea of EYID is to created a dialogue between civil society and mainly between your people.
Implementation period: 11 April 2008 – 28 November 2008
Project team:

  • Project Manager: Prof. Univ. Dr. Ioan Horga
  • Scientific coordinator: Lector Univ. Dr. Luminiţa Şoproni
  • Coordinator of the technical department: Asist. univ. drd. Constantin – Vasile Ţoca

Project Budget: 5000 RON
Main activities:

  • International conference

Benefieicary: Fundaţia Forum

Title of the project: “Summer School. Applications of intercultural dialogue”
Project type: Contract de finanţare nerambursabilă pentru activitatea de tineret finanţată conform cu H. C. L. 267/29.03.2007
Project identification number: 72447
Project objectives:
Students participating in the summer school have the opportunity to attend lectures by numerous professors from all around Europe, on themes such as: introduction in intercultural studies, intercultural communication (in mass-media, internet etc.), means of intercultural dialogue, development of interpersonal connections between people from different places, of different age, different studies and universities from all around southern – eastern Europe.
Implementation period: 20 mai 2009 – 30 noiembrie 2009
Project team:

  • Project Manager: Drd. Constantin Vasile – Ţoca
  • Coordinator of the technical department: Raul Derecichei
  • Summer school coordinator: Claudia Silaghi

Project Budget: 8900 RON
Main activities:

  • Organizing Summer School. Applications of intercultural dialogue
  • Lectures held by Romanian, European and American professors
  • Evaluating the Summer School
  • Cultural and educative activities during the Summer School

Benefieicary: Asociaţia Studenţilor de la Relaţii Internaţionale şi Studii Europene

Title of the project: “Intercultural dialogue and border interpretation”
Project type: Contarct de finanţare nerambursabilă pentru activiatea de Euroregiune, în conformitate cu HCL nr. 267 din 29.03.2007
Project identification number: 71642
Project objectives:
Rethinking the concept of borders and limits as a traditional aspect related to teritory and sovereignty, while the modern, international perception, relates more to interactions between regional and local communities that live near the border.
Implementation period: 31.03.2007 – 2.11.2007
Project team:

  • Project Manager: Prof.Univ. Dr. Ioan Horga
  • Scientific coordinator: Prof. Univ. Dr. Istvan Suli – Zakar
  • Coordinator of the technical department: Drd. Constantin – Vasile Ţoca

Project Budget: 11200 RON
Main activities:

  • International seminar: “Intercultural dialogue and a new border interpretation. From Kaliningrad to the Black Sea”

Project team: ARRISE

Title of the project: “Let’s prepare a common future: Debrecen – Oradea Area – 700 000 (2020)”
Project type: Contract de finanţare nerambursabilă în cadrul domeniului Euroregiune Bihor – Hajdu Bihar finanţat în conformitate cu H.C.L nr.643/20.09.2006
Project identification number: 139236
Project objectives:
Identifying common aspects between the communities in Debrecen and Oradea, to create a functional and sustainable form of cross border cooperation.
Implementation period: 1 octombrie 2006 – 31 decembrie 2006
Project team:

  • Project Manager: Prep Univ. Drd. Constantin – Vasile Ţoca
  • Scientific coordinator: Prof. Univ. Dr. Istvan Suli – Zakar
  • Coordinator of the technical department: Prof. Univ. Dr. Ioan Horga

Project Budget: 22000 RON
Main activities:

  • Sociological research conducted on the members of the Debrecen and Oradea communities (1000 questionnaires for every town)
  • Organizing a seminar with the theme „Debrecen – Oradea Area, a future reality”
  • Publish a book with the seminar results

Benefieicary: Fundatia Forum Oradea

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