
last updated: 13-01-2014

The Annals of the University of Oradea – the International Relations and European Studies series

cover_analerise_1ANALELE UNIVERSITĂŢII DIN ORADEA, SERIA RELAŢII INTERNAŢIONALE ŞI STUDII EUROPENE is a journal edited by the Department of European Studies and International Relations of the University of Oradea in collaboration with the Institute of Euroregional Studies. ANALELE UNIVERSITĂŢII DIN ORADEA, SERIA RELAŢII INTERNAŢIONALE ŞI STUDII EUROPENE has been issued in this field of scientific research since 2009 as a response to the development of the curricula and research programs in the field of international relations and European studies at the University of Oradea.

Year of appearance: 2009

Publication link:


cover_eurolimes_1Nowadays, to dedicate a journal to the issue of borders in Europe – as Eurolimes is – seems to be an outdated question from both the point of view of the process of European integration, or enlargement, and from the point of view of the expectations of the Europeans, who wish to circulate, work, and live wherever they want to. But the issue of the border is much more complex than we assume from the viewpoint of its essence and of the different experiences of Europe as a whole. The specialists in border issues are convinced of the revolutionary mutations that the borders will experience in the future, but they are very cautious when it comes to stating that the integration and enlargement processes of the EU will lead to a determinate “disappearance” of the borders.
Thus, the issue of the frontiers is a very generous one and so, Eurolimes is offered by the Institute for Euro-regional Studies and the Department for International Relations and European Studies as a space for debate.

Year of appearance: 2006

Publication link:

Romanian Journal of European Studies


“For decades – while the research addressed to security studies had a fast progress in the Free World – in Romania, as in other countries from the “socialist block”, this field, as far as existed, was kept away from the eyes and mind of ordinary people. Classified as a secret domain by excellence, reserved to a self-proclaimed elite of specialists from the reservation exclusively affected to intelligence services, the security studies had a slight character of studies and an excessive one as an integrate part of security structures. The fact that through this first issue it is inaugurated a publication specially designated to this type of studies it is the result, but also the proof, of some system changes and of a mentality shift that we should appreciate at its real value and comprehension. It is a privilege to open a publication as Romanian Journal of Security Studies, to whom I wish since this moment of beginning a long life and an important contribution within the emergence and progress of a disciplinary field that has been for too long almost inaccessible to the cultivated Romanian public.”
Emil Constantinescu, President of Romania between 1996-2000

Year of appearance: 2010

Romanian Journal of International Relations and European Studies


The Journal aims to promote a deeper research, study and understanding of the fields of International Relations and European Studies, by bringing together the foremost Romanian researchers and important names from the global academic environment and by striving to promote research with a strong interdisciplinary emphasis. The Journal is open to contributions from various paradigms and theoretical backgrounds and does not show a preference towards a particular theoretical, methodological or epistemic approach.

Year of appearance: 2012

Publication link: